
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Progress: Upholstery

I felt a flash of extra-overwhelmed-ness this morning, like "how will I get even one or two things from my Summer to-do list finished," until I realized that by the middle of June, I'll have no more external evening commitments - Juno's training class will be over, and so will choir rehearsals for the summer.  So the fact that I haven't had time or energy to even knit half a row of an unfinished project before turning off the light and going to sleep, or, say, do some more laundry, let alone make any small progress towards the many big things I want to do, is understandable.  It will all get better once other commitments drop away, and once Paul leaves for camp and I am free to go to sleep in a quiet house at 9:30 or 10:00pm.

To keep track of everything, I've created a new page on the blog (see it up there, below the header?  It's called Summer 2011 Projects) that has the same list as the previous post!  Also, I am making a vow to do at least one thing every day that moves me closer to some item on the list.  Even if it's a super-small thing, I will do something!

Today, I created a new Pinterest board to collect fabric samples and upholstry resources, since my list includes THREE (re)upholstry projects.  Here's the first fabric candidate I found:

So that counts as a small step towards my goal of reupholstering the old wooden chair in the living room!  What do you think?

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